Thursday, August 6, 2009

Organizing, Organizing, Organizing

Lately I've been trying to organize the baby's room. Put the clothes in sizes so as to see what I still need, stuff like that. I made a list of things I thought we still needed after having the baby shower and went out and got them. I was feeling very "ready" for about a day. Then I talked to people and found out I had left things off my list I had never thought of. As easy as it is for a first time mom to forget about burp rags, and things like that, I started to wonder. I think that's the challenge realizing you'll never be as prepared as you'd like to be. Realizing life will never let you be fully "ready". There will always be something coming at you, that wasn't in your plan. It's parenthood. How could you really ever be ready for something that is completely different for every person. As frightening as that sounds, I think it's really exciting. We are so anxious to meet this little guy, and finally know him. To have put the piece in the puzzle and see what the picture is. We can't wait!

A package came yesterday. We opened it up, and I shrieked with excitement. (ask Ryan I stunned him). We had registered for this Mommy's Melodies bear, it plays womb sound as well as others. I thought it seamed so comforting. Well I went to get it a few days ago and it was gone (they did have a pink one left) so I tried another store and again nowhere. I was sad I had missed out on it, and kicked myself for not buying it months ago, but who knew. Then there it was in the box. I said something unrecognizable to Ryan as I scooped it up and hugged it. When I calmed down and Ryan figured out who had sent the package, he said, well no wonder it was something you really wanted, It's from your sister, she knows you. So Thanks Aunt Arica sooooooooo Much!

1 comment:

  1. That Bumbo seat was my favorite thing I ever had for my boys. They would sit in it when I did my makeup and just watch me, and when I made dinner they would just chill and watch me. They loved being able to sit up " on their own" you can also get a tray for it now!
    I still am putting yours together.. what else do you need??! one thing I loved getting ( well not at the time, but I realized later how great it was) was clothes for when he is older.. they grown out of clothers SOOO fast ( within months.. and it was so nice to have new clothes waiting for 9 months and a year. ( which they are in before they are 1 year old..especially with Ryan being the dad! LOL
    anyway, let me know what you need. Love yoy
