I finally feel like a year is just around the corner. What a month this has been. Full of new things, that make me feel as though my baby will not be a baby for much longer. He started crawling a few weeks ago and is getting better at it as the days go by. My favorite thing he did this month was "so big". I have been trying to get him to do this for months and was so excited when it finally happened. When you ask him how big he is he raises his hands above his head. I just want to eat him. He started calling me Mama this month that made my whole week. He has the sweetest voice and will sometimes try to repeat words you ask him to say. He says dog, more, and bottle pretty frequently. He has gotten so tall and is just about too big for his infant car seat, even though it says up to 32 lbs, and he is only about 25. He's been very sweet lately and just full of laughter. He has eight teeth and has been drooling a ton the last two days so there may be more on the way. His 1st birthday plans are in full swing and I feel like I just had him. Time Flys....
Jackson is so lucky that you enjoy his every moment. And you are so lucky to be so wise as to do so. LU