Time is flying by faster than I thought possible. Mom left yesterday and Ryan's parents are flying in today with Aunt Jo and Uncle Randy, so we're going to have a full house this weekend. Last night was our first night alone at home. So how did we spend it, I went to bed about 7:45p.m. and Ryan stayed up with the baby, so I could get some rest. Too Funny! Also I have to apologize to everyone I haven't called back yet, I really do love you all and appreciate all the support, phone calls, packages, and gifts, and I also do WANT to talk with you, but everything has been so crazy and I've been so exhausted as you can imagine. Once all the company is gone I will be on the phone I promise. Just know I do love you all. Also to Grandma DeMarcus (Mom) Thank you so much for coming. It was so great to have such a wonderful support system during this transition time. You have been a huge help, I will miss you greatly, as will Jackson. Thank you for making the burp rags and for all the housework you did, but most of all for the encouraging words, Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU! I'm so glad you came.
Here's a few pics taken this week...
Love that top shot of the feet in the "tennies!" So cute!