Well we find that we are a little off on the amount of time it takes to complete projects when it comes to our new home. We began the process o

f the baby's room by prying off red chair rail off the grayish blueish wall (the same color that was on most of the house walls). Then we stripped off the wainscoting of wall paper (fish). Then last weekend we began taking doors off, pulling out the old blinds, and finally began painting. This painting project is something neither one of us quite knew if we could handle. It is certainly the most adventurous painting project either of us had taken o

n. However we feel we've become painting pros (we like to say) as we've painted 13 rooms in our new home so far. (and yes we still have one left :() anyway I love the way it came out, really just as I im

agined it. I've had the paint picked out since we purchased the home a little over one month ago. Ryan was totally on board with the idea even though he knew it would be difficult. I love him for that, he is so supportive of all my ideas for the house. We have the same style, so it works out great for us, no arguing :) I wish I had taken pics of the room before we started but I didn't realize until the first coats of paint had already been applied. After the paint we put up ne

w chair rail, and at this point we still have to install the new blinds and fan, but here's some pics of the progress so far.
This looks AWESOME. I want it for my room. Yes, I think you qualify as painting pros. Wish you could come and do my house. Sigh....