Sunday, October 10, 2010

A visit with my brother

1 Year Old

Jackson has just been so much fun this year.  And this year flew by!  Our lives changed so drastically, but we have loved every minute of it (well maybe not EVERY minute).  Happy Birthday Handsome!!

This month I started watching my friends little girl, Addison.  She is two months older than Jackson and we had met them in our Birth to Three group so the kids have know each other since shortly after they were born.  This new addition has meant big changes in our house.  Two of everything!  And for me, a hard adjustment to figure out sleeping schedules, eating schedules, and mostly time management.  Jackson now has to share his mommy, but seams to be adjusting quite well. He is just such a good kid.  

He has learned to crawl on his knees (he was only army crawling before), and can now pull to stand.  He learned to shake his head yes, and started eating with his fingers.  He also got a lot pickier with his food, and now if he doesn't like something he also doesn't want it on his tray.  That's a nice way of saying he throws it on the ground.  I have no idea how to break him of this habit.  I heard "take the food away", and I've tried for weeks and it hasn't helped one bit.  Any suggestions???  

Addison brought over a Signing Time DVD and Jackson just loves it.  I was really skeptical at first.  Around here everyone is very against ANY TV before two years old, so I talked with Jackson's Dr about it.  She assured me he was fine watching a 30 min video a few times a week.  So I embraced it.  He has learned several signs now including Dog, Water, Eat, More, and Dad.  He picked up on this so quickly that I've been thinking more about doing the "You're Baby Can Read" program but still have not found one person who has tried it, so if anyone knows anything about it please let me know. 

We have been to a lot of Jackson's friends birthday parties this month which has been so fun, and we had a blast doing his Lego Party.  It's just been a great year.....To our Boy! Cheers!

Jackson's 1st Birthday

The decor

The game

 The Prize

The gift bags

The Lego Party

The Cake

The guests cake

More fun

Opening presents

His real day....