It's here already he's another month older, and this milestone will probably be a little more memorable than the first three. Jackson is such a happy, smiley boy. He has the biggest grin and can light up your day in an instant. But the week of his birthday was quite challenging for all of us. Grandma left on Tuesday at 4:30a.m. and when I arrived home from taking her to the airport in Portland Ryan wasn't feeling well. I didn't want Jackson to get sick so I "banished" Ryan to our room, and dismissed the nap I so desperately wanted. Wednesday Ryan was worse, so much worse. He couldn't even get out of bed, didn't eat a thing, no TV, no internet, scary looking sick. Thursday Ryan had scheduled the day off, for Doctor and Dentist appointments, but to no avail, I took Jackson to his checkup alone and had to face the shots myself. (I did better than I thought I would) I rescheduled our Dental work, when i got home Ryan was feeling much better so he at least got to observe Jackson (still no touching), he said it was horrible being so close and not seeing him for two days. That night Jackson was up 9 times. The shots like the Two Months, had ruined our perfect sleeper I thought. (Jackson had been sleeping 8-8 for a couple weeks now) Friday Jackson was fussy, but I was worse, still without sleep, both from Ryan getting up every five seconds from being sick and then last night with Jackson, and having no help all week, I was exhausted. I thought it would get better but when Ryan came home from work feeling much better, he wondered why Jackson was so upset. Shots, Shots, Shots. Right? Nope Ryan felt in his mouth and sure enough cutting teeth! I don't even know if I can explain how hard the next few days were for us. It was something I was not prepared for emotionally or physically at that point. He would be laying on the floor playing with toys with me and then abruptly start screaming, and trying to squirm away from himself. It was the saddest thing ever. I wanted so badly to be able to explain what was wrong to him when he looked at me with that face. We tried teethers, which he is not even coordinated enough to pick up and put in his mouth on his own yet, we gave him Tylenol, and Baby Orajel. By Monday it was worse still, he hadn't been eating much the last few days , he would cry to eat but as soon as I put the bottle to his mouth he would cry from pain. I was scarred and finally took a medicine dropper and used it to put milk in his mouth. I got a few ounces in. That afternoon after he had cried so much he lost his voice, I had to get him out of the house so we went to the store in search of more remedies. He fell asleep in the car, and I began to breathe, when I pulled up to the stop light I noticed I had been driving about 30 miles an hour and had a huge line of cars backed up behind me. I didn't even care I was taking my time. My baby was asleep. I went to the store and purchased teething tablets, and a new NUK bottle ( the same brand as his pacifiers, he slept at the store and I have never tried to stay at a grocery store for so long. I walked around the store for probably a good hour just enjoying the peace. When we got home his teeth had broke in. That night Grandma Keele told Ryan we should call the Doctor, and that Jackson probably had an ear infection, and might need to go to the emergency room. He called the doctor, but Jackson was fine, just teething. She suggested all the things we had tried and also cold wet wash cloths for him to suck on. She also said once they break through it'll get better. and she was right by Tuesday night he was doing much better and slept until 5, Ryan got up and gave him his bottle, so i finally a week later got some rest :)
........and now for the good.
- on his birthday he weighed 15 lbs 11oz and 26"long
- he is in the 75-80 % in Height and Weight
- on his birthday he rolled over for the first time
- and we got these cute photos to document the milestone even threw it all.